Customers Review

Gabrielle Joe
Gabrielle Joe
United States
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Hello! My name is Gabrielle and I am a full time article writer on Upwork. I was a short time automotive journalist for the online publication and I earned nearly $2K per month doing that job. I found this book "Win Jobs on Upwork" about 06 months ago and I ordered a copy with $10. Frankly speaking this book has changed my life and now I am doing freelancing full time. I can easily earn enough to support my family. I get freedom and can take care of my 2 years baby boy doing freelancing. Once I thought freelancing is not recommended for the US people but this book has changed my mind. One can easily earn a handsome money doing freelancing.
Mohit Chopra
Mohit Chopra
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Hello! My name is Mohit Chopra, from India. I am a Data Entry Expert and working $20/hr at Upwork. For the last 03 years I have been working $3-$5 per hour as I thought data entry job has no value. Last year I bought the eBook “Win Jobs on Upwork” and after reading the hidden strategy of freelancing I changed my hourly rate to $10 within 15 days. And today I am working $20/hr as a Data Entry Expert. I recommend every Indian should buy this book and earn enough money to support the country. We the Indian like to be the top freelancers in the world. This book is only $10 and by the grace of God one will learn $10K+ USD strategy of freelancing.
Hanna Reyes
Hanna Reyes
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Hi there! I'm Hanna from the Philippines. I am a SEO Expert working at Upwork for more than 5 years. I have been doing technical SEO for more than 2 years. I charge my clients nearly $5 per hours as the market was too much competitive and getting job was too much hard. One good news for all that I got random interview calls from my clients with job offers for the last 06 months. And the only reason behind this the eBook “Win Jobs on Upwork”. At first I did not know how to apply wisely. Finally this book told me the truth and now I am a pro bidder. I can win jobs in each bid now. I believe every freelancer should read this book.
Muhammad Wahid
Muhammad Wahid
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Hello, I'm a Wahid from Pakistan. I am expert in Creative graphic, brand logo designer, and packaging designer. I worked for local companies in my city and I was searching for an opportunity to show my expertise in the world. However the Book “Win Jobs on Upwork” made my dream come true. Today I am working $30/hr at Upwork and I have 05 permanent clients who will hire me forever. This Book just made my life. I recommend my brothers and sisters from Pakistan to buy this book and participate in the world competition. This book really worth enough and my $10 buying money returned as $10K USD salary. Thanks to Allah.

Product Details

This book is a complete guide of Upwork freelancing. From the beginner to the Advanced level, this will will help you all to gain success in Upwork.

Many newbie fails to approve their profile at the very first stage of Upwork freelancing career. The only reason behind this is the lack of experience. May be you are an expert in skills but may be not in Upwork strategy.

I am in 20+ years in freelancing and I know how to deal with Upwork. I have stated my experiences in my book so that you can gain success in Upwork.

By reading this book, you can easily approve your Upwork account at the very initial stage. Creating a killer profile to attract the clients is clearly explained in this book.

The Book Includes

books about freelancing
  • How to Create a Killer Upwork Profile
  • How to Get your Profile Approved (100%)
  • Hidden Strategy to Earn $10+ per Month
  • Live Examples of Upwork Portfolios
  • How to Write a Professional Proposal
  • How to Deal with Interview Questions
  • How to Force your Client to knock you
  • How to Write Professional Titles
  • How to Write an Awesome Overview
  • How to Deal with Disputes
  • How to Sustain Job Success Score 100%
  • How to Gain Job in Each Bid
  • How to Manage Clients
  • Cover Letter Examples with Templates
  • Best Alternative of Upwork
  • Lifetime Free Update of this eBook
  • 24/7 eMail Support if you need any Help
  • Special Take Care of the New Commer
  • Up to Date Strategies will be updated each and every time
  • Strategy to be Safe from Scam
  • Upwork related all books will be Free

What's Inside

Doesn’t matter from which skills you are in, this book includes all to make you successful

win jobs on upwork

FAILED to Approve Upwork Profile?

About 95% newbie freelancers get failed approving their profile at the very initial stage. It is 100% assured this book will help you to achieve that goal. This book includes

  • Upwork Profile Checking Logarithm?
  • What to do after getting failed again and again?
  • What to do for approving at the first review?
  • What should include and what not in your profile?
  • When is the best time for review submission
best books on freelancing

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