Looking for an outstanding cover letter sample for UX and UI designing job posting s on Upwork? Yes, you are absolutely right to look up here. We will provide you with all the hidden tips and strategies to write a killer Upwork cover letter especially for UX and UI designing job posting s on Upwork. Let’s see: UI & UX Designer Profile Overview Sample.
Let’s Download: Upwork All Cover Letter Sample
Upwork cover letter, you know, is not simply a letter at all. Whenever you are writing an Upwork cover letter you are trying to convince an employer to select you among other competitors. So, you must create your cover letter in such a way that may help your employer understand your worthiness and the difference from others.
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What do UX and UI Design Exactly Mean?
There are a number of freelancers who write cover letters for UX and UI Designing job postings on Upwork not even knowing about UX and UI Design properly. So, let’s take a clear idea about it before starting with the cover letter. Generally, the term UX Design refers to ‘User Experience Design, while UI is the abbreviation of the term ‘User Interface Design.
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As a freelancer, you must know the difference of the terms even though they work closely together. In plain words, UI Design is closely connected to graphic design, whereas UX Design is a technical and analytical field. But the responsibilities of UX Design are more complex than UI Design.
Important Terms to know
Even after knowing the about UX and UI Design you should have a clear idea and proficiency in the following terms before applying for any UX and UI design-related job.
Let’s see: Freelancer Profile Summary Sample 2022
- Icon Designing
- Photoshop, Illustrator
- Copy writing
- Story Boarding
- FX animation
- Sketch Design
- Public Relations and Promotions
- Account Planning
- Online Marketing
- Media Buying
- Concept Development
- Digital Illustration
- Market Research
Sample Cover Letter for UI & UX Designer
Dear Hiring Manager,
I am here to represent myself as a qualified candidate for the post of UX & UI Designer as you posted online. I fit best for your need for my brilliant result in academic progress and the working experience that I have in the field. I am a Master of Science with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering in Computer Science and Technology. From my student life I have been enjoying working in web programming as well as web developing that eventually have made me a proficient user of PHP, CSS, HTML, Java, and more. I also have working experience with creative sites for instance – Adobe Creative Suite, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver. I also love to work with animation software.
As I have been working for years with UI Development you may trust me with any of your UI tasks. I have the required qualification, skills, talent, proficiency, and willingness to work hard under any pressure. I have a sharp sense of UI & UX Design with the creative ability to support you with your designing task in both aspects of the web as well as software.
You may check my profile for your further convenience. Thank you for taking the time to review the letter. I’ll look forward to your response. I’m always available on Email and Skype.
Sincerely Yours
(Your Name)

Tips to Write an Upwork Cover Letter for UI & UX Designing
To write an effective cover letter for UI & UX Designing you must follow the following rules that will help you with your every step.
Greet Professionally
First of all, you will have to greet your employer in a professional way. After all, 1st impression is the last impression always. And your confidence should also be expressed through your greeting. You may say for example- “Dear Mr. X” or “Dear employer” or “Dear Hiring Manager” that suits you most.
Read the Entire Job Post
There are some freelancers who just apply for a post immediately after seeing it. Consequently, their effort goes in vain. One should read the entire job post for a clear understanding and the demand of the employer. You must know what your clients want from you. So, read the entire job post carefully before applying.
Follow Instructions
It often happens that employers play a trick to select employees by saying them simply including a word or like that in the cover letter. So, you mustn’t ignore such instructions. It will express your seriousness to your client. Try to follow each instruction given by the employer.
Revise Before Hitting Send
Before applying finally you must go through your whole letter if there is any mistake. You may also find the scope of improving your letter by revising it. There’s nothing to hurry. A correct and wonderful cover letter is always more effective than an earlier one full of errors. So, revise your letter, make a change and strengthen it if possible.
Briefly Research the Client
You may also research your client through Google. It will help you to know more about your client, his warks and what he exactly needs from the employees.
Paraphrase the Job Post
You have to show that you have read through the advertisement. So, you may paraphrase it stating that you are efficient in the task you are willing to have. You must highlight your academic qualification and experience and your confidence in the work as it is wanted.
Suggest a Solution
Connect your knowledge and skills to the client’s desire. Represent yourself as a complete solution for your client. If a client posts a problem that they are trying to resolve then you may show a smart solution to that. It will attract your client to your skill and talent.
Don’t Promise too much
Too much promise often seems fake to employers. So, avoid this and simply show your own confidence and liability with your speech. You may give reference to your experience and skill.
Clearly say when and how you are available to them.
End With Optimism
You must show your optimism about getting the job but not your necessity. So, put down some optimistic words before the final greeting.
Follow these instructions and you will definitely find it easier to create an upstanding and effective cover letter for UI & UX Designing Upwork.