Looking for a professional Upwork cover letter format for a web developer? Then, don’t worry. You’ll get a lot of effective instructions here that will help you to fill your purpose. Hope this article will end your search for an Upwork proposal sample for a web developer. I like to request you to read the whole article till the end. You can also Download All Cover Letter Samples. Let’s see: Web Developer Profile Overview Sample.
Let’s Download: Upwork All Cover Letter Sample
But you must know that writing a cover letter doesn’t mean always just writing a definite format of that. You should always keep in mind that your cover letter will represent yourself, your skill, and your proficiency in your work. And your client will first judge you with your speech through your cover letter. So, you must write an Upwork cover letter in a very effective and attractive way that must have the capability of drawing the attention of your client from the very first reading. If you need Screening Question & Answer of Upwork, please follow the link.
Don’t miss: Upwork Profile Overview Sample
As we are discussing here writing an Upwork cover letter for web development, we must know some important key terms which are randomly used in web development and web developer before starting with the cover letter. Web development, you know, isn’t any short field. Rather people use it as an orientation of their work that is involved in creating and developing a delegate website on the internet with the purpose of advertising themselves to the whole world. We may also call it a “World Wide Web” development. You may like: Upwork vs Freelancer
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Another kind of Web Developers is also there that is dedicated to the Graphics and SEO Developments of a number of intranets of a company. And an intranet is another important term here mostly indicating a private network owned by an individual to be used within his essential area. We will discuss some key factors of web development at the end of this article, by the time, let’s see an example of a web developer cover letter:
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Must! Read Before Submitting a Proposal
Now, let’s think about Web Development. It includes a variety of works to be considered as Web Development. Its range is quite large. As a matter of fact, Web development can range from developing the stagnant single simple page of plain words to the most multifarious web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, and social network services. Web-based internet applications are usually known as the Web App. It’s not over here. Many more inclusive and complex tasks are also included in Web Development. You may be heard about the terms- client liaison, web engineering, client-side /server-side scripting, web content development, e-commerce development, web server, and network security configuration all of which are included in Web Development.
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It’s only the general idea of Web Development. In fact, Web Development means quite differently to Professional web developers. To them, Web Development means the non-design portions of creating websites that include writing, mark up, and coding. Currently, to the professionals, Web Development means mainly the creation, orientation, and development of the contents management systems or CMS. These contents management systems or CMS can be made from open source, proprietary or graze. CMS may be a new term for you.
There’s nothing to worry about. I’ll explain it to you. It simply indicates a thing that operates as a middleware between the database and the user through the browser. And now you may be interested to know the benefit of a CMS. Okay, then let me explain it on your own terms. You know there are many non-technical people who don’t have any technical knowledge themselves but they want to create, develop or make change their web site. In such a case, CMS is a wonderful solution for them. It allows them to improve their websites according to their wish.
Upwork Proposal Sample for Web Developer
Dear Hiring Manager
Wish you a very good day
In response to your latest job posting on Upwork I am here to apply for the post of Web Developer position. I have an excellent background as a Web Developer along with my academic education in Computer Science and Technology. The experience and my academic education have provided me with some outstanding and technical skills. Furthermore, I have the excellence of creating upstanding designs of novelty. I firmly believe that these qualities make me different from the rest of the contestants
I would like to inform you also that I am highly skilled with HTML, CSS, and JavaScrip as I have handsome experience with them. Still, I am always eager to learn anew and make my skill sharper whenever I get any chance.
Above the beyond, I have a great passion for mobile and software technology as well. I have worked with some mobile companies and enjoyed the work a lot. My recruiters are always delighted with my creativity, hard-working and stamina.
For why I believe myself to be the best candidate and a great asset to your project. My profile, portfolio, and work history are also attached herewith for your kind consideration that will help you recognize my skill.
Thank you for taking the time to review the letter. I’ll look forward to hearing from you for further process.
Thanking you
Your Name

04 Important Facts you Should Remember
By the time, you must have got understood that Web Development is not an easy thing that everyone can do. So, when you are willing to write an Upwork cover letter you must keep these things in your mind. You’ll also have to conduct some things with a great care.
Firstly, you must learn how to use the scripting or authoring language to build a website. These languages will build up the primary foundation of your site. So, you don’t have any choice to do any mistake here.
Secondly, you should follow the proper way of writing, designing, and editing the contents of the web page. If you are making others to do the job then you must direct them the proper way so that the contents of the web page may be coherent and effective to your purpose.
Thirdly, you must identify the problems after the first touch-up and correct them immediately. You may serve the purpose also finding the mistakes by testing or from user feedback.
Fourthly, you must know how to convert a component to compatible web formats. These components are generally of written, graphic, audio, or video format. And you will have to convert these formats to web format.
Last but not least advice is that don’t forget to take a look at the sample cover letter below that will help you to write your own cover letters for Upwork job postings. You’ll get the format of writing a cover letter from these samples. But just cut, copy, paste doesn’t always prove to be effective you know. Use your own word, highlight your creativity with your own speech following the establishing format and you’ll get your expected result.
Follow these instructions with great care and believe me you’ll be able to write a breath taking cover letter yourselves.
Web Developer Job Posting Sample